Sara Hendricks
- There are a lot of things you may not know about Netflix's thriller series "You."
- Scenes in Mooney's bookstore are filmed in an actual book store in New York City.
- Warning: Spoilers ahead for season one and two of "You."
The word "you" is said over 3,800 times throughout seasons one and two of the show.
The official Instagram for Netflix Australia and New Zealand calculated the times the word "you" has been said on the show throughout the first two seasons – and they got 3,857.
They also noted that the word was said a bit more often during season one than it was during season two.
According to the account, the first episode of the series features the word "you" the most.
Penn Badgley didn't want to play Joe at first.
At first, Badgley was reluctant to take on the role of Joe.
In a 2018 interview with Entertainment Weekly, he said he was "conflicted" about the part, largely because the show is framed as a love story. "If this is a love story, what is it saying?" he said.
Ultimately, discussions with showrunners Sera Gamble and Greg Berlanti convinced Badgley the part and show had enough nuance to make it worth taking.
The show is based on a book — and the author of it has written on a number of TV shows.
The show is based on a book series of the same name by Caroline Kepnes.
"You" was Kepnes' first book, but according to her website, she's written for shows including "7th Heaven" and "The Secret Life of the American Teenager."
Kepnes also wrote "You Got Me Babe," the eighth episode of "You."
Kepnes came up with the character of Joe while in a coffee shop.
Kepnes told Refinery29 in 2018 that she was in a coffee shop scrolling through Facebook and noticed someone glaring at her.
"The voice clicked for me in that moment," she said. "I was obsessing about social media, and I had wanted to write something like this. But it was in that moment that I really got it. Joe is someone who is always the one looking and judging. He's very at ease with that in himself. That's where I found this great outlet for my little frustrations."
The facade of the bookstore where Joe works during season one is a real shop.
Season one of "You" used Logos Bookstore, a specialty bookstore on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York, as the exterior and front interior of Mooney's, according to Brick Underground.
Although little was changed about the actual bookstore, Logos does not have a cage in its basement. The basement scenes in "You" were filmed on a separate set in the Bronx.
Logos Bookstore has been featured in other productions, too.
According to the American Booksellers Association, Logos is also featured in "Can You Ever Forgive Me?," a movie starring Melissa McCarthy as an out-of-work writer who begins forging old literary texts to make money.
To film on the subway tracks during season one, some actors had to take an eight-hour-long safety course.
During season one, Beck (Elizabeth Lail) falls on the subway tracks and Joe helps her up.
This scene was no joke to film since it was actually shot at a New York City subway station and many safety guidelines were in place.
"I had to take an eight-hour course to be on those tracks," Lail told BUILD series in 2018. Badgley said he also took this course.
Badgley also said that after the training course he and Lail received cards certifying them to go on subway tracks for a year and a half.
The season-one scene at the Greenpoint Avenue subway station likely wasn't filmed at the actual station.
The real-life Greenpoint, Brooklyn, subway stop is accented with green. In the show, the stop is accented with red.
The scene on what's alluded to as the Staten Island Ferry was not filmed on the Staten Island Ferry.
On episode eight, Beck asked Joe if he'd ever been to Staten Island.
They go on to have a romantic ride on what is not actually the Staten Island Ferry, the only major way to travel by boat from Manhattan to Staten Island.
"What could happen on the upper deck of an immensely popular tourist destination?" Joe asked as he boarded what was supposedly the ferry.
It is possible to film on the Staten Island Ferry, and movies and shows have done so in the past — but this scene likely didn't do so. The real-life Staten Island Ferry is much more orange than its TV counterpart.
Peach Salinger got her name because author Kepnes thought it was "annoying."
Kepnes told Refinery29 in 2018 that she wanted the character Peach (Shay Mitchell) to have a name that'd be "kind of annoying."
"I also thought peaches were perfect because they're ripe and delicious, and then they're spoiled, poison, they attract flies, they can make you sick," she added.
Candace wasn't always supposed to come back.
During the final scene of season one, Candace (Ambyr Childers) — Joe's subject of obsession before Beck who viewers were led to believe was dead — returns.
This is a departure from the book, and one that wasn't initially going to happen on the TV show.
In a 2018 interview with Entertainment Weekly, Gamble said she and Berlanti decided at about the middle of the first season to bring Candace back, and they started to "misdirect" viewers to make them think she was dead.
Candace had a different fate in the book.
Part of the reason some viewers may have been surprised by Candace's return is that, in the novel, Joe drowns Candace at Brighton Beach in Brooklyn after she breaks up with him.
The necklace that Ellie wears on the show is from a thrift shop.
Jenna Ortega, who played Ellie (Jenna Ortega) on season two of "You," told Insider she wanted to take Ellie's nameplate necklace home, but was not able to because there is only one copy of it, and showrunners needed to keep it in case Ellie returns.
"I was so disappointed when I couldn't take it because they only had one that they found at some random thrift shop, and I was like, 'Ahh, alright," she told Insider. "If they had multiple options then maybe I could have taken one."
The band Nirvana has a large presence on "You."
On the first episode of the show, Beck buys "Desperate Characters" by Paula Fox. Fox, as Joe tells her, is the grandmother of Courtney Love, who was married to Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain.
During the show's finale, Beck wears Joe's Nirvana T-shirt. There's also a nail salon called Nirvana next to the onscreen and real-life location of the bookstore.
And, during season two, the show centers around the grocery and wellness store Anavrin, which is Nirvana spelled backward.
Victoria Pedretti, who plays Love, said the most awkward scene to film was a sex scene.
Victoria Pedretti, who played Love during season two, said that the most disturbing scene to film was a sex scene between her and Joe.
"I think the most unsettling thing is probably when we shot the sex scene where we were both meant to start having sex and come simultaneously in five seconds. I found that really disturbing," she told Harper's Bazaar in 2020. "I was like, 'How are we … ? That's not real.'"
Tati Gabrielle filmed her first-ever sex scene for "You."
Gabrielle, who played Marienne on season three, toldPage Six she "freaked out" when filming her first sex scene with Badgley.
"I was so nervous," the actress told Page Six. "I told Penn upfront, 'Hey, I've never done this before.' And he was like, 'It's gonna be OK.'"
She said the show's intimacy coordinator, who helps walk through sex scenes and ensure actors' well-being during them, was also helpful.
Even though Dylan Arnold plays a teenager on the show, he's older than Pedretti in real life.
Arnold, who plays the teenager who Love has an affair with during season three, is actually older than Pedretti. He is 27, she is 26.
"It's actually funny, because I'm a year older than Victoria [Pedretti], and much older than my character, so those moments where she's referring to me as a teenager were always really funny because I'm older than she is," the actor told Teen Vogue.
Arnold also auditioned for two other roles on "You" before being cast as Theo.
Arnold told Teen Vogue he auditioned to play Joe on season one and to play Forty on season two.
"So my relationship with the show goes way back, and I actually went to college with Elizabeth Lail, who played Guinevere Beck in the first season," he added.
Shalita Grant struggled with fake crying on season three.
Grant, who played Sherry Conrad, told Insider one of the hardest parts of filming was fake crying.
"When I found out that I was going to have to cry I was like, 'You know what? I am going to hack this, totally in the vein of Sherry and Cary," she said.
Grant said she improved her skills with script analysis and mental tricks.
Madre Linda's library scenes were filmed on a set, but a real library was used for exterior shots.
Gamble told Insider the crew used a real library and a set to create the Madre Linda Library's final look.
"The exterior of the library's a real place, so just the foyer of the set matches with the front of the real location so that we could seamlessly bring you from one to the other," she said.
Some of the show's scenes were improvised.
One of the most notable improvised scenes is from season two, when Forty (James Scully) opened up about his childhood and how he believed he killed his au pair.
In a somewhat surprising move, Joe gets down on the ground and holds Forty as he cries.
"That was a version of that scene that Penn and I sort of created together," Scully explained in an interview with Glamour in 2019. "It's not what was written in the script, but we talked a lot about the relationship between Forty and Joe, which at that point was a little more than a friendship, obviously."
The show was mostly written, directed, and created by women.
In 2018, Badgley told The Daily Beast that "by and large, all of the people responsible for this thing are women."
He added that the majority of the show's cast, directors, and writers are women.
Mr. Mooney was originally on season three, but the script changed because the actor who played him died.
Gamble told Insider in October 2021 Mr. Mooney was originally meant to appear on the third season, but the actor who plays him, Mark Blum, died before they could film it.
"The major storyline that I wish we could have done was one with Mr. Mooney in it," Gamble told Insider. "We were in the middle of that and we scrapped it and we started over."
Blumdied at age 69 due to complications related to COVID-19 on March 25, 2020, a few months before "You" began filming its third season.
"It's painful on a human level and also we had a lot more story to tell with thatcharacter. And I think that will always be in our minds, we get to continue to tell the story," Gamble added.
She continued, "In my mind, it's almost been like, we want to find little ways to honor that character because it's a way of paying respects to that actor."
Ortega was also supposed to return to the show.
Gamble told IndieWire that Ortega was originally meant to return for season four as Ellie. But her commitment to the series "Wednesday" got in the way.
"We wanted to bring Ellie back and we heard, 'Oh, Jenna is doing some show,'" Gamble saidin a February 2023 interview. "It's been just such a pleasure to see Jenna this year. We have ideas for Ellie if her schedule allows her to visit us again."
Read More:
12 shows you should watch if you love Netflix's 'You'
- 20 ways the 'You' TV series is different from the book
- 10 movies you should watch if you love the show 'You'
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