Essential Guide to Fansly: How to Grow Your Fansly Page (2024)

In this blog, you’ll get a rundown on what exactly Fansly is, how to grow and make money on Fansly and whether it’s a good alternative to Onlyfans.

Essential Guide to Fansly: How to Grow Your Fansly Page (1)

With content creation gaining traction as a viable career path, many creators are constantly looking for platforms that will alleviate them to reach higher success. But with so many new platforms, how can one decide whether it’s worth investing their time and energy?

Well, the first step is understanding which platform is built for what type of content. Take, for instance, Twitch has quickly become the top choice as a digital streaming platform, and for creators looking to grow in this niche, Twitch is a perfect choice.

And the next step is to determine if the forum you are joining has reached the upper limit of its success. It is crucially important as if one enters when the journey to the top for the platform has just begun, they can reap the benefits and ride the wave to the top.

For adult content creators, Onlyfans has been the go-to. But, multiple platforms are vying for attention, and one of the top contenders is Fansly.In this blog, you’ll get a rundown on what exactly Fansly is, how to grow and make money on Fansly and whether it’s a good alternative to Onlyfans.

What Is Fansly?

Essential Guide to Fansly: How to Grow Your Fansly Page (2)

The biggest fear when it comes to starting out on a new platform is ascertaining whether it’s legit. Before understanding how to use Fansly to earn the big bucks, let’s dive into the history of the website and understand who exactly it caters to.

What is Fansly App?

As the name suggests, Fansly was created to be the middleman between adoring fans and content creators. It allows fans and creators to interact freely and in a safe environment. It was founded in the year 2017, just shy of a year later than Onlyfans.

The Fansly logo is shaped like a heart formed by two locks, which highlights their aim of making connection a safe and empowering experience for all involved.

The website caters to a mature audience only. It is an adult-friendly platform wherein creators are empowered to sell their content and monetize their audience. Photos, videos, live streams, and chatting are some ways for fans and creators to connect.

It is similar to any social networking website in the sense that fans can explore and find creators in the niche they are looking for and sign up for subscriptions to view premium content.

The website caters primarily to adult entertainment, and while creators from other genres are welcome, the main aim of the website is to legitimize adult content.

The variety of payment options, geolocation blocks, and subscription models are some of the attraction points for both fans and creators alike.

If you are teetering on the edge of becoming a Fansly creator, then do visit this Fansly Application page to know more about how to start.

Essential Guide to Fansly: How to Grow Your Fansly Page (3)

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Is Fansly Better Than OnlyFans?

Essential Guide to Fansly: How to Grow Your Fansly Page (4)

To better understand whether Fansly is better than Onlyfans, we will consider certain factors and then compare the two sites to ascertain which is the better choice.

So how do we decide which factors to make the comparison on? Let’s first determine the characteristics that creators and users are looking for.

As a creator, the first priority before joining any site would be to be certain that it is safe. Hence, privacy and safety issues are of utmost importance. Next would be how easy it is for the creator to build an audience or attract an existing audience to the platform and the competition they would have to face.

The next factor would be to know how much percent of their earnings would be cut and what the subscription/earning and payout model looks like. Another essential element to consider would be whether there are any benefits and incentives to join.

Now, as a user, the first and foremost point of consideration would be the ease of using the platform. Next, how easily can they find the creators of their niche? And getting other suggestions for the same type of adult content. Lastly, the price point is one of the factors to consider.

So, now that we have covered and understood the basis of comparison for the two sites let’s keep a score as we go into more detail on each factor.

1. Privacy and Safety

This is one of the main concerns of every creator. Privacy and safety settings are game changers; they allow the creator the freedom and certainty they are protected.

In 2020, Onlyfans creators suffered a horrible setback as content from onlyfans was leaked onto a cloud storage platform. This security breach was a massive hit for a lot of people and the worst part?

The company didn’t take responsibility for its weak paywall and the subsequent harm inflicted on creators. This is a big red flag.

Contrastingly, no such incident of this aptitude has been reported to have happened to creators on Fansly.

Moreover, The terms of service of Onlyfans have gotten way stricter with time. They restrict certain types of content from being published by adult content creators, as opposed to Fansly, where you will find fewer restrictions on the things they allow.

This is definitely a plus point for a broader range of content to be found and gives creators the freedom and anonymity to post the content of their choice.

One recent incident that elevated Fansly to the hall of fame was when Onlyfans announced that they would ban sexually explicit and NSFW content on their site in 2021. All hell broke loose after this announcement went live, and many creators were left scrambling.

This not only points towards the callous attitude of the Onlyfans company towards their creators but also sheds light on how the income stream is not as safe and certain as many people believed it to be.

On the other hand, Fansly is a platform made specifically for adult content and has a lot more care and respect for sex work and the creators than the other site. It also has geoblocking features that allow creators to hide their locations easily.

Fansly: 1, Onlyfans: 0

2. Discoverability, Verifiability, and Going Viral

The next feature that will be looked at would be to see how easy it is to make an account on the site and how quickly you can build an audience.

On Onlyfans, if you want to attract an audience, you must promote yourself and rely heavily on traffic from other sites. You will face no trouble growing and earning on this site if you are an established creator with a large audience.

However, if you are new to the adult content creation world and need help figuring out where to start, then Onlyfans is not for you yet because you would have to market and promote yourself on other sites before you can start earning on Onlyfans.

The biggest hurdle is that on onlyfans, you need to promote your content heavily and rely on the work done on other social media sites to bring in customers. This can be a time-consuming and cumbersome process, and the fruits of your labor might take time to materialize.

On the other hand, Fansly is an excellent option for newbies and experienced creators alike. It not only allows you the opportunity to promote yourself and bring in more subscribers but also has an explore tab.

Discoverability is a crucial hallmark, and the two sites have entirely different takes on this feature. On Fansly, as a creator, you have a higher chance of being discovered and creating an organic fan following.

The site has a separate search tab and explore page that helps connect fans and creators. There are also suggestions to users that enable them to find accounts in the same niche. This feature is not available on Onlyfans; though the site does allow some suggestions of accounts to follow, you can’t depend on organically reaching your audience.

The next feature that is important if the creator wants to monetize their content and start earning is to get verified. On both sites, verifiability ensures that no other person will be able to imitate your profile and gives the subscriber certainty that they are interacting with the real you and won’t get scammed.

Onlyfans have a slightly more difficult process of getting verified, but if the creator understands the nitty-gritty of getting the blue tick, they are all set to earn. But many new people would find it a rather time-consuming and hectic process. On the flip side, many creators report that the same process is relatively more straightforward on Fansly.

Next, let’s understand how easy or difficult it is to go viral on these sites, and the two main things that affect this parameter are saturation levels and competition. Onlyfans, the oldest and firstmost site used for adult content, has reached a saturation point.

This means that the competition levels are pretty high. As mentioned earlier, the best bet when it comes to going viral is to ensure that you ride the wave to the top instead of joining at the top.

Fansly has gained popularity relatively recently, and this makes the platform the ideal choice for anyone looking to grow and earn side-by-side. The site has yet to reach saturation levels compared to its competitor and offers a lot of opportunity and potential for growth.

Fansly: 2, Onlyfans:0

Essential Guide to Fansly: How to Grow Your Fansly Page (5)

3. Subscription and Payout Model

Subscription Model

This is an essential feature because the subscription model directly affects how much money goes into the creator’s pocket. Both sites have designed their subscription model differently.

For Fansly, the subscription models have different tiers. So, a creator can charge different subscription rates for different content. Take, for instance, the various tiers that are possible on Fansly. One is where you are able to show a preview of your content, this tier is mainly free to view for all.

The next level might have more content and exclusivity. And the third tier would give your fans free access to all photos and videos and allow them to interact with you. This sort of flexibility is perfect and will enable creators to cater to multiple fan groups simultaneously.

On Onlyfans, however, one does not have the option of hosting multiple-tier subscriptions; instead, a flat fee is charged for viewing the content. The creators are free to set their own prices. This excludes users from all financial backgrounds and allows for little wiggle room.

Fansly:3, Onlyfans:0

Payout Model

The payout model on both sites is exactly the same.

Both sites take a 20% share out of the earnings, and the minimum payout is $20. For Fansly, the minimum payout earlier was $100, but it was quickly brought down by $80 to remain competitive.

Moreover, on Onlyfans, the money can only be transferred to the bank account, but on the other site, you can choose either bank transfer, Paxum or Skrill. This allows greater flexibility for all users and creators.

Fansly:4.5, Onlyfans:1

4. Referrals and Other Features

Referral System

Referrals are an excellent incentive for both users and creators. Fansly and Onlyfans have a similar referral system wherein they are entitled to 5% of the commissions with each referral. The difference is that on Fansly, there is an added benefit of earning a 1.5% commission on their referee’s earnings forever.

Fansly:5, Onlyfans:1

Subscription Limits

On Onlyfans, the maximum amount a creator can charge is only $49.99, whereas Fansly encourages its creators to set a limit as high as $499.99 per month. If you have confidence and believe in your content’s worth, then Fansly will support your rise in earnings.

Fansly: 5.5, Onlyfans:1

Option of Adding a Manager

This is a feature that’s exclusive to Fansly wherein they acknowledge that as a creator grows, they might need help to manage their DM’s or in posting content, etc. This is where the management tab option comes into play, where creators can find help on the platform itself.

Fansly: 6, Onlyfans:1

Price Lock Feature

Again this feature is only available on Fansly and not on Onyfans. It allows users to unlock a particular post, be it a video or photo by paying for it directly on the wall without having to subscribe to view the content. This is excellent for fans who want to view a certain post and don’t have the budget to subscribe to the creator yet. It also allows fans to preview some of the content before making the decision whether they like the content published.

Fansly: 6.5, Onlyfans:1

Customer Service

When you run into an obstacle, then customer service of the site you are using should be able to quickly rectify the situation and guide you.

Both Onlyfans and Fansly’s customer service is on point.

Fansly: 7, Onlyfans:1.5

The overall winner is Fansly by a large margin. So yes, Fansly is clearly the better choice for both creators and users.

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How to Use Fansly?

Making an account and getting started on Fansly is an easy feat. It is even more straightforward if you are a fan looking to buy content.

As a user, all you have to do is sign up using either your google account, twitch, or Twitter account. And voila! You can now search and explore the content published, and when you like something and want to either pay to unlock or buy the monthly subscription, you have to input your payment details.

Fans don’t have to give out their credit card information and instead can make payments through Google Wallet, Amazon, and Paypal. This is a quick and seamless process.

Essential Guide to Fansly: How to Grow Your Fansly Page (6)

For a creator, the sign-up process requires a few more steps. You need to verify your account and social media details, add a profile picture and upload at least one photo.

Essential Guide to Fansly: How to Grow Your Fansly Page (7)

Watch this tutorial for more information and a detailed step-by-step process on how to set up your Fansly account:

How to Make Money on Fansly

The three ways that Fansly lets its creators earn the big bucks are:

Essential Guide to Fansly: How to Grow Your Fansly Page (8)

1. Monthly Subscriptions

This is the most common and easy method of earning on Fansly. Creators have to set their prices for different tiers on the platform, post content, and sit back and earn money when a fan subscribes.

2. Pay to Unlock

This is another excellent feature that most free profiles take advantage of. A creator can post videos and photos with a sticker on top, and to remove the said sticker, the fan must unlock the post by paying upfront. The best part? You can earn multiple times with just one post.

3. Tips

Creators can receive money in the form of tips from their fans. Since the Dm’s are free to access, fans can reach out and offer tips in exchange for customized content. This way, you are able to not only provide a personalized experience to your audience but also strengthen your bond with your fans, thus retaining them.

Strategies to Grow On Fansly

Let’s discuss some strategies on how to make money on Fansly:

Essential Guide to Fansly: How to Grow Your Fansly Page (9)

1. High-Resolution Content

If the quality of your content is not up to the mark, you will not be able to capture the audience. Make sure you post high-quality content with high resolution to attract more people.

2. Promotion and Marketing

You can’t just post content and hope someone stumbles across your profile. Active efforts like promoting and marketing endeavors have to be undertaken to drive traffic to your profile. Use Reddit, tube sites, Instagram, etc., as well as run promotional ads.

It is a Fansly free hack. Collaborate with other creators and share their banners on your page. This will help you tap into a broader audience by supporting and taking the help of creators. It will help spread the word about you.

Top Fansly Creators

Meet the top creators on Fansly:

Essential Guide to Fansly: How to Grow Your Fansly Page (10)


How are you feeling now that you have successfully navigated the essence of Fansly? I, for one, am left reeling with the knowledge that a platform like this exists, and that you can start anytime.

So what are you waiting for?

If you are teetering on the edge of becoming a Fansly creator, then do visit the Fansly Application page to know more about how to start.


1. Is Fansly a real website?

Yes, Fansly is a real website. It is a platform for adult content creators who are looking to monetize their content. The platform allows creators and fans to interact safely and encouragingly.

2. Is Fansly a legit website?

Yes, Fansly is a legit website. It is safe to use by both people looking to earn money and people who are looking to buy content. Rest assured that your details are safe.

3. Is Fansly better than Onlyfans?

Yes, Fansly is better than onlyfans in multiple arenas, including Referral programs, privacy and security settings, and discoverability. Moreover, the verification process on Fansly is relatively simple compared to the overcomplicated and tiresome process on Onlyfans.

4. Is Fansly safe to use?

Yes, Fansly is relatively safe to use. It has a geolocation tracking blocker that, if enabled, hides your location. Additionally, it protects you from chargebacks and is NSFW content friendly.

5. How often does Fansly pay?

You can initiate a payout after the minimum of $20 has been accumulated in your account. The transaction can take up to 7 days from the date of sale to be credited to your bank account.

Essential Guide to Fansly: How to Grow Your Fansly Page (11)

Author: Ajeya

An avid blogger, meme compiler, quizzer and I'm always on the look-out for the latest trends on the internet, in tech and AI!View all posts by Ajeya

Essential Guide to Fansly: How to Grow Your Fansly Page (2024)


How do you grow your Fansly account? ›

Here are the 11 expert ways to increase your follower count and boost your presence on Fansly:
  1. Optimize Your Profile. ...
  2. Produce High-Quality Content. ...
  3. Maintain Consistent Posting. ...
  4. Leverage Popular Hashtags. ...
  5. Interact with Your Fans. ...
  6. Promote Your Fansly Profile. ...
  7. Offer Exclusive Content and Incentives. ...
  8. Utilize Marketing Strategies.
Jul 25, 2023

How to get on the FYP Fansly? ›

Not all content will show up on the FYP, because we don't want to show content which creators have intended to stay private. If you want your content to show up on the FYP: Ensure that the 'Promote Post' checkbox is ticked. Add a free preview to all locked Media that you want displayed in the For You section.

How does Fansly work for beginners? ›

How does Fansly work. The platform for paid subscriptions is similar to Twitter, but with the difference that by default the viewer sees only free posts of the creator's content. Any user can subscribe to the profile, but to see behind paywall posts, a follower must pay a monthly subscription.

How to start making money on Fansly? ›

If your goal is how to make money on Fansly, subscriptions are the primary way to make money. Content creators are free to choose what to charge. You can create different subscription tiers and offer unique content for each price tiers.

How to go viral on Fansly? ›

What strategies can be used to increase Fansly followers?
  1. Create a Page likes campaign with detailed targeting. ...
  2. Go to any financial creators page and comment. ...
  3. Start using Instagram and TikTok as a tool, curating your feed to see videos within your niche. ...
  4. Ensure content is engaging and relevant.
Jul 29, 2024

How do I make my fan account successful? ›

Stay on top of your fanpage's topic.

Keeping your fanpage's content up to date with the latest information and news about your selected topic is crucial, as many of your followers will expect to get their news from you and similar pages.

Is Fansly or OnlyFans better? ›

Thanks to this tiered system, creators may reach more people and earn more money. Fansly offers a more creator-friendly commission structure compared to OnlyFans, and takes a much lower 10% cut rather than 20% like OnlyFans.

Can Fansly detect screenshots? ›

Can Fansly see if you screenshot? No. Similarly to OnlyFans, Fansly does not currently notify the content creator when a fan takes a screenshot.

What is the minimum payout for Fansly? ›

The minimum payout threshold on Fansly is set at $20. This means that creators need to accumulate at least this amount in earnings before they can initiate a payout request.

How to make $10,000 on OnlyFans? ›

How to Make 10k a Month on OnlyFans
  1. Get your Fan Base to at least 1,000.
  2. Start with a Slightly Higher Paid Subscription.
  3. Send Mass Messages Daily.
  4. Feature PPV Posts on your Free Account Twice a Day.
  5. Accept Custom Content Requests Whenever you can.
  6. Join an OnlyFans Agency with a Proven Track Record.
Mar 31, 2024

How long does Fansly take to pay? ›

Payouts will typically process within 1-2 business days after approval. Most banks do not operate during the weekends or bank holidays, so processing could take a short time longer to complete in these instances.

Do likes matter on Fansly? ›

That's because increased likes boost your visibility and attract more subscribers, creating a vibrant community around your content. So, if you want to boost your engagement and get more likes on Fansly, here are twelve expert strategies to consider.

How do I make a successful only fan account? ›

Use bundles and discounts to promote your page. Create a welcome message, restrict certain countries if you have to, and hide your follower count in the settings menu. Start producing content for your OnlyFans page and DMs. Produce content for social media promotion as well.

Is OnlyFans better than Fansly? ›

Whilst artists on OnlyFans have a limited range of $3 to $49.99 per month to select their membership pricing, Fansly has a much wider range of $5 to $499.99 per month, giving popular creators more leeway and the possibility of making more money.

How do I boost my OnlyFans account? ›

Guest Posting: Utilize other creators' followers by guest posting on their social media, websites, or blogs to expand your reach. Paid Shoutouts: If you're a new model, consider paying top OnlyFans creators to promote your profile on their social media, website, or OnlyFans account.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.